Monday, March 2, 2009

A Prayer for A New Journey

Dear God,

Today I am being given the gift of a new job. In a climate where we have to worry about whether our current employment is safe, I am grateful that life presented me this opportunity and that I had the strength to respond.

People begin new paths each day. Some people have their journeys thrust upon them, while others (like this one) are by choice. Either way, we are pulled from our comfort zone and are asked (or told) it is time to look at life anew. What we do with this opportunity is up to us.

On this day, I feel my mom with me, and for the first time ever her picture is coming with me to work. I feel she belongs at this job with me, and I am not certain why, but I am following the whisper of my soul, which, I have come to believe, is You, guiding me through my darkest periods.

May I have the awareness to access the abilities I have to make a difference in the lives of others. May I use my love of collaboration and incessant need to learn to inspire those around me to be the best they can be.

Most importantly give me the ability to be present each day for this job so that I can learn all I need to, hear what is offered and then use it to excel. May I make my children and Alan proud of me, and may my moms hand rest on my shoulder, reminding me that I have come so far without her physical presence but her love has remained.

Thank you God, for my gifts and even for my heart ache, because from it all I have learned.